
Sunday, October 30, 2011

PS Keys for Falcon

This simple application reads a .key file and makes a keyboard layout of it just like the keymap you find in the falcon directory.



Saturday, October 15, 2011

PS UDP Falcon Server for Android 2.2 (v0.8)(Beta)

This application extracts the flight data from Open Falcon, Falcon AF and Falcon BMS flight simulators acting like a server and send this data to an android mobile device running the client application PS Gauges trough the TCP/UDP net protocol.

PS UDP Falcon supports 5 clients connected at the same time so you can use five different android devices. Three of them are used for flight data, one for the left MFD, one for the right MFD and one for the HUD.

PS Gauges client application needs Android 2.2

PS Gauges can display in your mobile device the following instruments: RPM, RWR, HSI, DED, PFL, ADI, VVI, AOA, ASI, ALT, CMPSS, CP, FFI, FI, ICP, LMFD, HUD and RMFD.


Installation notes:
- Unrar the file
- Install PS UDP in your computer with PSUdpSetUp.exe
- Install PSGauges.apk in all your favorite android devices

Enjoy it!!!

Please post your comments and suggestions to keep improving the application.
