
Saturday, January 22, 2022

Running PSCockpit and Helios in DCS

Edited on Dec, 2022:
Below files are obsolete. You can find the new .lua files in your PSCockpit v1.0.5 directory

Download .lua files from:

1. Copy the following files to "\Users\@USER\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\PSCockpit\" folder:
- PSCockpitExport.lua
- ExportPSCockpit-A10C.lua
- ExportPSCockpit-F16C-50.lua

If you have already a Export.lua generated by Helios, add the following line before Helios do file line:


If you don’t use Helios or do not have a Export.lua file copy file Export.lua to "\Users\@USER\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\" folder

If there are no folders descripted above, create them


Friday, January 7, 2022


The TRIM board has been designed to drive (3) pots for yaw, roll and pitch trims and (2) X27 stepper motors for roll trim and pitch trim indicators. This configuration allows to have the indication of pitch trim and roll trim in both trim AP and MANUAL modes and the pots will drive the analogue trim axes in your simulator.

The pots are not motor-driven but the TRIM board has mounting holes to develop this function in the future.

The TRIM and TRIM INDICATOR boards have been designed to work in conjunction to complete the Trim panel of the F16.

The TRIM board comes with the following elements:
- (1) 16 I/O chip to be connected to the digital I/O I2C channel of the PSCockpit system and its elements (resistors, connectors, …) to work with 5V
- (1) analogue chip to be connected to the Main Channel of the PSCockpit system and its elements (resistors, connectors, …) to work with 5V
- (3) potentiometers for yaw, roll and pitch trims
- (1) toggle switch with locking lever
- (21) SMD leds for lettering backlight.
- (7) Free digital I/Os
- (1) Free analogue input

You will find the following elements in the backside:
- (1) Connector for backlight illumination.
- (1) Connectors for digital I/O I2C channel.
- (1) Connectors for analogue Main Channel.
- (2) Mini-switch to select digital and analogue I2C channel addresses.
- (1) Connector for free digital I/Os.
- (1) Connector for free analogue input.

The TRIM INDICATOR board is prepared to hold an X27 589 stepper motor and is attached to the TRIM board with 4 screws leaving a gap of 5 mm where the indicator panel and indicator must be placed.

The TRIM INDICATOR board has also the necessary pins to connect the X27 stepper motor and the backlight leds to the TRIM board thus no external connections are needed to drive the stepper nor the backlight, been these driven by the TRIM board.

You will need (2) TRIM INDICATOR boards for (1) TRIM board.

The TRIM INDICATOR board comes with the following elements:
- (4) SMD leds for indicator panel backlight.

To complete the TRIM panel of the F16, you must add by yourself the following elements:
- (1) TRIM front panel
- (2) TRIM indicator panels
- (2) Indicator needles
- (1) knob for Yaw trim
- (2) circular 50 mm x 12 mm knobs for roll and pitch trim
- (2) X27 589 stepper motors

Please check the dimensions of the TRIM panels, knobs and needles at:
