
Sunday, June 16, 2024

PSCockpit Displays&Gauges Software V.1.0.2 Update

 The new version V.1.0.2 auto installable version of the PSCockpit  Displays&Gauges Software is available for download!!

Do not forget to install and run this version with admin rights!

You can download it at: Download

No firmware update is needed.

PSCockpit Displays&Gauges Software V.1.0.2 Changelog:
- Revised Shared Memory Area for BMS 4.37u4
- DED and PFL displays rotation option
- Data extraction from DCS via UDP port
- PSCockpit Shared Memory reader added


PS Cockpit Firmware Update V.1.6.6

 The new firmware V 1.6.6 for the PS Cockpit Main Boards is available for download!!

PS Cockpit System Firmware V.1.6.6 Changelog:
- Main Board reset from PSCockpit Software v1.0.6

You can download the firmware at: Download

Tools for upgrading the firmware:

- Windows 64 bits operating system with PSFirmUpdtV2-4thRunMainBoards


PSCockpit Software V.1.0.6 Update

 The new version V.1.0.6 auto installable version of the PS Cockpit Software is available for download!!

Do not forget to install and run this version with admin rights!

You can download it at: Download

No need to update the firmware of the Main Board. Last firmware version is 1.6.6, visit: PS Cockpit Firmware Update v 1.6.6

PS Cockpit Software V.1.0.6 Changelog:
- Revised PSCockpit Quick Guide to version V7 (Help/QuickGuide)
- Added DED and PFL displays rotation option (LCD)
- Added PSCockpit Shared Memory writer
- Revised Shared Memory Area for BMS 4.37u4
- Changed Export .lua files for DCS DCS 2.9.1 
- Changed data extraction from DCS. Now via UDP port
- New boards EHSI and CPD cofiguration (PCB Layout)
- Added alternative pushbuttons from pcbs for alternative commands Joystick buttons (Joystick)
- Added Thrusmaster MFDs to control brighness and leds (MFDs)
- Added direct connection for sending data to PSGaugesV5 android app (TCP/IP)
- Added commands configuration received from PSGauges (Commands)
- Added BMS keyfile viewer and configuration (BMS Key File)
- Added BMS DXs joysticks and devices viwer and configuration (BMS DXs)
- Added CPD key layout (CPD)
- Added drag&drop capability to set pcbs IDs in to other forms fields
- Added vibration control for AIRIS joystick (Vibrators)
- Added PSCockpit Main Board reset button. Firmware needs v1.6.6 version (PCB Layout)
- Added ECM configuration (PCB Layout)
- Added DCS lua files installation (Settings)
- Added pcbs poll mode test (USB Timers)


PSUdp Software V.1.0.3u3 Update for Falcon BMS 4.37U3 and DCS 2.9.1 with CPD


PS UDP extracts the flight data from Falcon BMS and DCS simulators acting like a server and send the data to an android mobile device running the client application PSGaugesV5 trough the TCP/UDP net protocol.

It can be used as standalone application to render the CPD in one of your PC monitor.

CPD features:
- Fuel data
- Checklists
- Terrain Maps
- Airport charts
- Miscellaneous documents (kneeboard)
- Maps, airport charts and miscellaneous documents can be added and customize by adding files to the respective directories.

PS UDP supports 10 clients connected at the same time so you can use ten different android devices. Five of them are used for flight data. The other five are used to export views: one for the left MFD, one for the right MFD, one for the HUD, one for RWR and one for HMS.

PSGaugesV5 client application can be used from Android 4.0 to Android 14.

PSGaugesV5 can render on your Android device the following instruments of the F16: RPM, RWR, HSI, DED, PFL, ADI, VVI, AOA, ASI, ALT, COMPASS, CP, FFI, Fuel Indicator, ICP, LMFD, HUD, RMFD, CLOCK, HMS, EHSI and CPD.

Change log:
PSUdp V.1.0.3 u3 -- PSGauges V5
- PSUdp: PSCockpit Shared Memory reader added
- PSUdp: Data extraction from DCS via UDP port
- CPD: Added nightvision ADI and MAP
- CPD: Added MAP background on HSI
- CPD: Added altitud map

Change log:
PSUdp V.1.0.3 u1 -- PSGauges V5
- PSUdp: Joystick corrected
- PSUdp: CPD render improved
- PSUdp: Upgraded DCS Export for DCS 2.9.1
- PSUdp: Added EHSI values
- PSUdp: Added CPD values
- PSUdp: BMS .key file reader and drag&drop function to assign keys
- PSUdp: Added PSCockpit Share Memory Area (PSCockpitSharedMemoryArea)

- PSGauges: Corrected ADI
- PSGauges: Added RWR export Client from the shared memory
- PSGauges: Added EHSI instrument
- PSGauges: Added CPD panel

You can download the installation file here: Download

Do not forget to install and run this version with admin rights!

Installation notes:
- Unrar the file
- Install PS UDP in your computer with PSUdpV103SetUp.exe
- Install PSGaugesV5.apk in all your favorite android devices
- Read HelpV103.txt!!
- Enjoy

Note on DCS: CPD, HSI and EHSI do not extract bearing to beacon and desired heading values.
