
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

New Encoder Interface Option of the PSCockpit System

As explained before, you can connect incremental encoders to the PSCockpit System to emulate some rotaries of the real cockpit. The digital signals coming from the encoders are checked every PSCockpit Software cycle time. This means that if you move too fast the encoder or you have encoders with more than 12 signals of resolution; the software is not able to catch up the electric signals thus the commands sent to the sim may not be accurate or slow.

To resolve this problem, now you can use the encoders as if they were a single pushbutton: in one rotational direction, sending a selected command to the sim and sending a different command in the reverse rotational direction by holding a desired pushbutton of your joystick:

To do this, first, with your favourite Joystick connected, go to the Joystick Page of the PSCockpit Software, select the device in the “Joystick device number” dropdown list and click on the corresponding “Assign” button. Now, press the joystick button you want to be assigned. In example, I have assigned the Joystick button 1 to the PSCockpit JB1:

Go to the Commands page of the PSCockpit Software and select the “Encoders” tab. Select “Pulse” function in the HDG encoder and assign the desired key combination:

Now, press the joystick button or select the JB1 from the dropdown list “Joystick” and assign the key combination to the ACW Turn field:

Remember: in the PSCockpit System you can program 3 joystick buttons and assign a different key combination for each button. This can be made in all the inputs elements connected to the PSCockpit boards. Also you can define at what window you want to send that command in the “Window” dropdown list.

Kind regards,

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