
Monday, January 6, 2014

PSCockpit Software Version 0.9.4 (WIP)

Happy New Year for everybody!!

This version is still a WIP version with much new functionality not totally tested, but I'm publishing it to solve some bugs detected with the Adafruit board and to improve the encoder’s functionality.

- Corrected an error sending Adafruit PWM values (Thanks Cester!!)
- Added option to sync sim with cockpit switches (PSCockpit page)
- Lights, servos and 7 Segment Displays, extracted from the sim can be seen in the Airplane Model
- Servos/PWM/Aircore scales (Airplane Model)
- Airplane selection (PSCockpit Menu)
- A10C Model implemented (Airplane Model)
- F104G Model implemented (Airplane model)
- Corrected USB driver to plug/unplug and switch on/off the board with the PSCockpit software running
- Implemented Error handling to avoid errors when entering in AWACS (BMS)
- Added wave files for Bass Shakers and sound device selection (Vibration Effects page )
- Analog outputs implemented  (F16 Model-AnalogI/Os page)
- Print commands (Commands page)
- Added SLG2016 driver for 2 and 4 in a row (IOLayout page)
- Added DED and PFL brightness inputs from pots (F16 Model-Pots page)
- POWER_OFF bit implemented in F16 Model (Special I/Os page)
- Added leds to DX Joystick pushbuttons when active in Joystick (Assignments page)
- Added Inverse checkbox for the encoders (Commands-Encoders page)
- Encoders routine improved

You can download it HERE.



1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir:

    can u reprogram the PSUDP for BMS 4.33.ur program is very nice.

    But someone have problem.exp RWR can not search some fight.

    Thank u so much.
