
Monday, January 12, 2015

Adafruit Oled 1.3” Display With PSCockpit System

The PSCockpit System can drive up to 5 OLED displays and they can be connected directly to any of the 0 to 7 I2C channels of the system. As the Adafruit OLED has two selectable I2C addresses, only 2 displays can be connected in one of the I2C channels.

You will be able to select the following parameters in the PSCockpit Software:
- Horizontal and vertical initial positions
- Vertical distance between digits
- Total display area
- Two digits sets: 12x16 and 14x20 pixels
- Reverse display mode
- Inverse display position

To use the Oled display in different parts of our cockpits, you can select one of the following display modes:

Horizontal digits mode:
We can use this option to display digits in the display with or without vertical digit strip. The vertical strip can be of 1 or 3 digits.

* Total fuel indicator (horizontal digits + 1 digit vertical strip)

* Fuelflow indicator (horizontal digits + 3 digits vertical strip + 2 added zeros)

Digital watch mode:

To display time in 4 or 6 digits:

Tacan channel mode

To display tacan channels:

ILS Frequency mode (for A10C supporters): :whistle:

To display ILS Frequencies channels:

Bar level mode:

To display fill levels indicators

Picture mode:

This functionality can be used to load strip pictures and use them as indicators. In this mode, the reaction time will depend on the display area.

Some examples:

* Speed brake indicator:

* Vertical Speed Indicator:

* Angle of attack indicator:

* Compass

One last installation recommendation:
Be aware that the Adafruit OLED display vertical display pitch is 7 pixels. You have to find the correct position of the display behind the instruments to display the digits correctly like in the Fuel Indicator. Otherwise, part of the numbers can be hidden and it can’t be corrected by software.

Next to come: Video of the Fuel Indicator with the X40 stepper motor and the Adafruit OLED display


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